For everyone to know

The Gender Pay Gap (GPG), or the difference in earnings between women and men,  in the Czech Republic is 16,4 % (source Eurostat, 2020).

Did you know that you will find the highest pay gaps between university-educated people? And that the difference between the earnings of a man and a woman in the same position can be up to CZK 15,000 per month?

Did you know that women have on average up to 17% lower old-age pensions?

On average, women in the Czech Republic earn 16,4% less than men. The biggest pay gap (23%) is found for women between the ages of 35 and 44.



Get your salary / wage explained.

The salary or wage usually consists of three components: the main tariff, the regular supplement and the motivational bonus. Get everything explained in detail and get acquainted with the conditions of providing rewards or other monetary benefits.


Same pay for the same work (or work of equal value).

The same work or work of equal value means work of the same or comparable complexity, responsibility and effort, which takes place under the same or comparable working conditions, with the same or comparable work performance and work results. The argument that people doing the same or comparable work are paid differently because they have negotiated different wages is odd.


Equal pay is an obligation!

According to the Labour Code, employers are obliged to ensure equal treatment for all, whether it is working conditions, remuneration or the provision of other monetary benefits.


Unequal remuneration can also occur in salary scales.

Different remuneration also occurs between public sector employees who are remunerated on the basis of salary scales. Discrimination can occur merely through the general classification of employment or during inclusion in the classification system.


Do you not know if you are adequately evaluated?

Our calculator will help you! The salary calculator allows you to find out the range of wages / salaries for a given position and the specific combination of factors (age, field, qualification, region).


For individual performance, a woman and a man may be evaluated differently.

The evaluation of individual performance is reflected in the non-obligatory components of wages. These components (typically bonuses) allow the employer to value the individual abilities and performance of a particular employee. The employer must lay down the rules according to which non-obligatory components are paid, and he is then obliged to comply with them.


Don’t be afraid to ask. Maybe in our counselling centre.

Are you tackling unfair pay? Do you want to learn more about the conditions that an employer can impose, or perhaps about those that you can have as an employee? The issue of unequal pay can seem complicated, so ask our experts! You will receive an answer to the e-mail you enter and (together with the specific question) it will be published anonymously on this website.


Talk about your salary.

The non-disclosure clause still enforced by some employers is unjustified. According to the Labour Code, employees are obliged not to act in conflict with the legitimate interests of the employer. However, it cannot generally be considered a legitimate interest of the employer for the employees not to inform a third party about their salaries.


Hidden forms of discrimination

Although most employers do not deliberately disadvantage women, the pay gap between women and men in the same workplace for the same employer is 11%. Salary / wage inequality often lies in more hidden forms of discrimination. Employers are therefore provided with the simple Logib tool (free to download here), which allows them to analyse whether (and how) unequal pay for women and men occurs in the company.


You don’t have to keep the suspicion of unequal pay to yourself. 

If there is a suspicion of unequal pay, you can contact the relevant regional labour inspectorate, which, based on your initiative, will check compliance with the legislation. Find out more on the website of the State Office of Labour Inspection. The same can be done in case of suspicion of discrimination; in this case contact the Office of the Public Defender of Rights.