In a nutshell

In-depth Analyses
We carry out qualitative and quantitative studies of remuneration of women and men which are based on previously unprocessed data on average wages and salaries in the Czech Republic (according to the CZ-ISCO classification).

Methodology of remuneration control
We strive to optimise controls on equal pay for the State Labour Inspection Authority, as amended by Section 110 of the Labour Code: „For the same work or for work of equal value, all employees of the employer are entitled to the same wage, salary or remuneration under the job agreement.“

Methodology for the Labour Office of the Czech Republic
We consider it necessary to optimise the support of people who are disadvantaged or at risk in the Czech labour market, such as parents returning to work after parental leave or people caring for family members.

Payroll and salary calculator
Thanks to our comprehensive application, you can find out the real amount of wages/salary for a specific selected position. The calculator takes into account age, gender, field, qualification or region.

Wage/salary negotiation manual
We will provide basic information on labour legislation to those who return to work after maternity or parental leave.

For the Czech environment we adapted and transferred the recognized Swiss tool Logib, thanks to which employers can analyze the level of fair remuneration in their company or institution. The tool is free of charge.

Model provisions of collective agreements
We seek to support the role of social dialogue in the process of reducing the gender pay gap.

Public administration education
We conduct trainings on the topic of equal opportunity for women and men in the labour market that are designed primarily for employees of the State Office of Labour Inspection and the Labour Office of the Czech Republic.

Legislative analysis
We present the possibilities of legislative measures for the effective reduction of the gender pay gap.

Economic analysis
We assess the effects of the gender pay gap on the economy of the Czech Republic (GDP, public finances, labour productivity).

Public opinion research
The project continuously maps the current views of the public on the issue of inequality in the remuneration of women and men.

Raising awareness
We help to raise general awareness of the existence of the problem of unequal pay and present possibilities for its solution.

We monitor the success rate of our activities, which provides us with valuable feedback.

Foreign cooperation
We take inspiration from the good practices of our European neighbours.